Most of the egelloc stneduts especially the com. scie. 2nd yr stneduts have their Philipphine Literature subject.
We know that Biag ni Lam-ang is the most popular Epic. As these was our report, I will share this to my co-egelloc stneduts all about the Bia ni Lam-ang.......
"Biag ni Lam ang" ( Life of Lam- ang) is a pre- Hispanic Ilokano Epic the source of which is now lost in the dim tradition of the past. The epic was very long; written version of it available today seem to show that it was close to 300 stanzas. It is believed to be the work of several folks of different generation. each post making his own alternation or addition until the 17th century when Pedro Bukaneg, father of Ilokano Poetry, put down in writting for the first time (about 1720) in both Ilokano and Spanish. However, the Bukaneg version seems to be the basis of all other version Bukaneg had recovered the story and put in soul Christian material.
I give you short description about Biag ni Lam- ang I hope you can use it egelloc stneduts.
12 years ago